Bruno Senna stares intensely

Is Bruno Senna good at Forza?

Watch Bruno Senna Put His Skills to the Test in Forza Horizon 4

A lot of us here at McLaren Chicago are big fans of Forza; the game is simply a great way to experience all the supercars you don’t get a chance to drive in real life. Sure, it’s nothing like the real thing, but it’s still a blast. The attention to detail is thoroughly impressive, and there are certainly worse ways to wile away the long Chicago winters.

Sometimes we wonder, though: how much do Forza skills correspond to real-life racing ability? Bruno Senna, as you probably know, is a pretty darn skilled racer in the real world. How does he fare at Forza?

Check out Bruno Senna’s Forza skills for yourself in this video! In it, you’ll see Senna race through varied Forza Horizon 4 courses while bantering and competing with a Microsoft representative. Pretty dang cool.

Just like in real life, Forza drivers had better be wary of understeer.